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"Match made in heaven" is an idiomatic expression that means two people are perfectly suited to each other, often used to describe a romantic couple. It can also refer to any two things that complement each other exceptionally well.



Example sentences



  • John and Emily are a match made in heaven; they share so many common interests and values.
  • Their business partnership is a match made in heaven; their skills and talents perfectly complement each other.
  • The combination of strawberries and chocolate is a match made in heaven.
  • When they met, it was clear they were a match made in heaven; they've been inseparable ever since.
  • The collaboration between the two companies turned out to be a match made in heaven.
  • Their personalities are so compatible that everyone says they are a match made in heaven.
  • The blend of spices in this dish is a match made in heaven.
  • His sense of humor and her cheerful nature make them a match made in heaven.
  • The new software and hardware are a match made in heaven, working seamlessly together.
  • Her creativity and his practical approach make their design team a match made in heaven.