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[영어 관용표현] PLAY SECOND FIDDLE PLAY SECOND FIDDLE  The phrase "play second fiddle" means to take a subordinate or less important role compared to someone else. It implies not being the leader or main person in charge, but rather supporting someone who is.  Here are 10 example sentences using this phrase:She didn't want to play second fiddle to her colleague in the project.He was tired of always playing second fiddle to his ol..
[영어 관용표현] OUT OF STEP OUT OF STEP  The phrase "out of step" means not being in agreement or harmony with others, or not following the usual way of doing something. It often implies being different or out of sync with a group or norm.  Here are 10 example sentences using this phrase:His ideas were out of step with the company's policies.She felt out of step with the latest fashion trends.He was out of step with the re..
[영어 관용표현] SWALLOW SOMEONE'S PRIDE SWALLOW SOMEONE'S PRIDE  The phrase "swallow someone's pride" means to do something even though it is embarrassing or humiliating, because it is necessary or the right thing to do. It involves setting aside one's ego or self-respect in order to achieve something important.  Here are 10 example sentences using this phrase:He had to swallow his pride and apologize for his mistake.She swallowed her..
[영어 관용표현] DRAMA QUEEN DRAMA QUEEN  The term "drama queen" refers to someone who tends to react to situations in an overly emotional, exaggerated, or dramatic way. This person often makes small issues seem much bigger than they really are.  Here are 10 example sentences using this term:She started crying over a small mistake, proving she's a real drama queen.Don't be such a drama queen; it's just a minor setback.He's ..
[영어 관용표현] My way or the highway My way or the highway  The phrase "my way or the highway" means that someone is insisting on doing things their way and if others don't agree, they should leave or not be involved. It implies a strict, non-negotiable stance.  Here are 10 example sentences using this phrase:The coach told the team, "It's my way or the highway," when they questioned his rules.She runs her business with a "my way o..
[영어 관용표현] Stomping ground Stomping ground  The phrase "stomping ground" refers to a place where someone spends a lot of time and feels very familiar and comfortable. It’s a favorite or frequent location for someone. In the phrase "stomping ground," the word "stomping" refers to the act of walking or moving about in a place frequently and with confidence. It suggests a sense of familiarity and ownership of the area, as if..
[영어 관용표현] MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN  Meaning "Match made in heaven" is an idiomatic expression that means two people are perfectly suited to each other, often used to describe a romantic couple. It can also refer to any two things that complement each other exceptionally well.  Example sentences  John and Emily are a match made in heaven; they share so many common interests and values.Their business partnershi..
[영어 관용표현] MAKE A MOUNTAIN OUT OF A MOLEHILL MAKE A MOUNTAIN OUT OF A MOLEHILL  Meaning "Make a mountain out of a molehill" is an idiomatic expression that means to exaggerate or overreact to a minor problem, treating it as if it were a much larger or more serious issue than it actually is.  Example sentences  Don't make a mountain out of a molehill; it's just a small scratch on the car.She tends to make a mountain out of a molehill whenev..
[영어 관용표현] LOVE ME, LOVE MY DOG LOVE ME, LOVE MY DOG  The phrase "Love me, love my dog" means that if you care about me, you should also care about the things and people that are important to me. It implies accepting a person completely, including their attachments and interests.  Here are 10 example sentences using this phrase:If you want to be with me, you have to accept my hobbies. Love me, love my dog.She told her boyfrien..
[영어 관용표현] AS SICK AS A PARROT AS SICK AS A PARROT  Meaning "As sick as a parrot" is an idiomatic expression used primarily in British English to describe someone who is very disappointed or upset, often due to an unexpected failure or loss.  Example sentences  After losing the match in the final minute, the entire team was as sick as a parrot.He was as sick as a parrot when he found out he didn't get the promotion.She felt a..