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"Pull up your socks" is an idiom that means to make an effort to improve your work, behavior, or performance.



Here are 10 example sentences using "pull up your socks":

  1. You need to pull up your socks if you want to pass this class.
  2. He was told to pull up his socks after his poor performance at work.
  3. The coach told the team to pull up their socks before the big game.
  4. She decided to pull up her socks and start studying harder.
  5. If you don't pull up your socks, you might lose your job.
  6. They need to pull up their socks to meet the deadline.
  7. He pulled up his socks and started coming to work on time.
  8. The teacher advised him to pull up his socks if he wants better grades.
  9. She pulled up her socks and finished her project on time.
  10. They realized they had to pull up their socks to compete with other businesses.