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[영어 관용표현] TOUGH COOKIE




"Tough cookie" is an idiom that means someone who is strong, determined, and able to handle difficult situations.



Here are 10 example sentences using "tough cookie":

  1. Despite the challenges, she proved to be a tough cookie.
  2. He might look small, but he's a tough cookie.
  3. After everything she's been through, she's still a tough cookie.
  4. Don't worry about him; he's a tough cookie.
  5. She's a tough cookie and won't give up easily.
  6. Even after the accident, he showed he's a tough cookie.
  7. My grandma is a tough cookie; she never complains.
  8. He's a tough cookie and can handle any criticism.
  9. You have to be a tough cookie to survive in this industry.
  10. She may seem gentle, but she's a tough cookie inside.