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[영어 관용표현] IN TWO MINDS






The phrase "in two minds" means being undecided or uncertain about something, unable to make a clear decision because one is torn between two options or conflicting thoughts.



Example sentences



  • I'm in two minds about whether to accept the job offer or not.
  • She's in two minds about which university to attend next year.
  • He's in two minds about whether to sell his car or keep it for a while longer.
  • They're in two minds about where to go on vacation this summer.
  • She's in two minds about whether to confront her friend about the issue or let it go.
  • He's in two minds about whether to invest in stocks or bonds.
  • We're in two minds about whether to renovate the house or move to a new one.
  • She's in two minds about whether to break up with her boyfriend or give the relationship another chance.
  • He's in two minds about whether to pursue further education or start working full-time.
  • They're in two minds about whether to adopt a dog or a cat as their new pet.