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[영어 관용표현] NO FEELING IS FINAL NO FEELING IS FINAL  The phrase "No feeling is final" means that emotions are temporary and ever-changing. It suggests that whatever you are feeling right now, whether it's happiness, sadness, anger, or excitement, will eventually pass. It encourages resilience and patience, reminding us that difficult emotions are not permanent.  Example SentencesWhen I felt overwhelmed with sadness, I reminded..
[영어 관용표현] to trudge through to trudge through  The phrase "to trudge through" means to walk or move with slow, heavy steps, often because you are tired or it is difficult.  Here are 10 example sentences:They had to trudge through the deep snow to get home.She trudged through the mud after the rainstorm.He trudged through his homework even though he was exhausted.We trudged through the dense forest for hours.The soldiers tr..
[영어 관용표현] Thanks for the heads up Thanks for the heads up  The phrase "Thanks for the heads up" means "Thank you for the warning or advance notice."  Here are 10 example sentences:Thanks for the heads up about the traffic.Thanks for the heads up that the meeting was moved.Thanks for the heads up about the sales event.Thanks for the heads up on the new project deadline.Thanks for the heads up about the policy changes.Thanks for t..
[영어 관용표현] a sour mood a sour mood  The phrase "a sour mood" means feeling unhappy, grumpy, or irritated.  Here are 10 example sentences:She was in a sour mood after losing her wallet.The rainy weather put him in a sour mood.He woke up in a sour mood and didn't want to talk to anyone.The bad news left her in a sour mood all day.He’s been in a sour mood since his team lost the game.She didn't get enough sleep, so she w..
[영어 관용표현] BY THE BOOK BY THE BOOK  The phrase "by the book" means to follow rules or guidelines exactly as they are written.   He always does things by the book, never bending the rules.The teacher graded the assignments by the book, following the rubric closely.The police officer conducted the investigation by the book, ensuring proper procedures were followed.She managed the project by the book, adhering strictly t..
[영어 관용표현] on top of that on top of that  The phrase "on top of that" means in addition to something already mentioned, often implying that the additional information makes a situation better or worse.  Here are 10 example sentences:She finished her homework early, and on top of that, she cleaned her room.He forgot his keys, and on top of that, he missed the bus.The weather was bad, and on top of that, we got lost.She wo..
[영어 관용표현] Fall on deaf ears Fall on deaf ears  The phrase "fall on deaf ears" means that a suggestion, warning, or request is ignored or not listened to.  Here are 10 example sentences:Her advice about saving money fell on deaf ears.The teacher's warning about the test fell on deaf ears.His plea for help fell on deaf ears.Their complaints about the noise fell on deaf ears.My suggestion to start early fell on deaf ears.His ..
[영어 관용표현] drift off drift off  The phrase "drift off" means to gradually fall asleep or to slowly lose focus and start daydreaming.  Here are 10 example sentences:He started to drift off during the boring lecture.She drifted off while reading her book.After a long day, he drifted off on the couch.The baby drifted off to sleep in her mother's arms.I usually drift off while watching TV late at night.The sound of the ..
[영어 관용표현] Throw the baby out with the bathwater Throw the baby out with the bathwater  The phrase "throw the baby out with the bathwater" means to accidentally get rid of something valuable while trying to get rid of something unwanted.  Here are 10 example sentences:Don’t delete all the files; you might throw the baby out with the bathwater.When updating the system, be careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater.While cleaning your ..
[영어 관용표현] Worth a shot Worth a shot  The phrase "worth a shot" means something is worth trying, even if it might not succeed.  Here are 10 example sentences:Asking for a discount is worth a shot.It’s worth a shot to apply for the job.Trying a new recipe is worth a shot.He thought learning guitar was worth a shot.She decided it was worth a shot to start her own business.Trying to fix the car yourself might be worth a s..