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[영어 관용표현] Not my cup of tea

Not my cup of tea



"Not my cup of tea" is an English idiom used to express that something is not to one's liking or preference. It indicates a personal disinterest or lack of enthusiasm for a particular activity, subject, or thing.



Example Sentences:

  1. Fishing is not my cup of tea; I'd rather stay indoors and read a book.
  2. Thanks for the invitation, but horror movies are not my cup of tea.
  3. Jazz music is just not my cup of tea; I prefer classical music.
  4. Cooking elaborate meals is not my cup of tea; I prefer simple dishes.
  5. I appreciate your offer, but skydiving is not my cup of tea.
  6. Attending loud parties is not my cup of tea; I like quieter gatherings.
  7. I tried knitting, but it's not my cup of tea; I find it too tedious.
  8. Watching sports on TV is not my cup of tea; I enjoy reading instead.
  9. Waking up early to exercise is not my cup of tea; I'm more of a night owl.
  10. Shopping for clothes is not my cup of tea; I'd rather shop online.


These sentences demonstrate how the phrase can be used in various contexts to politely express that something is not personally enjoyable or preferred.