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[영어 관용표현] OUT AND ABOUT






The phrase "out and about" typically means being active, especially outside of one's home, engaging in various activities or errands.



Example sentences


  1. It's such a beautiful day; let's go out and about and enjoy the sunshine.
  2. After being cooped up inside all week, I was eager to get out and about on the weekend.
  3. She's always out and about, running errands or meeting up with friends.
  4. Despite the rainy weather, they decided to go out and about and explore the city's museums.
  5. My grandmother loves going out and about; she's more active than most people half her age.
  6. With the pandemic restrictions easing, more people are starting to feel comfortable going out and about again.
  7. He's retired now but still enjoys being out and about, volunteering in the community and staying active.
  8. After finishing their work, the children begged their parents to take them out and about to the park.
  9. Whenever she's feeling restless, she likes to go out and about and take long walks around the neighborhood.
  10. Being out and about allows me to clear my mind and get some fresh air, which is important for my mental well-being.