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The phrase "butter someone up" means to flatter or praise someone excessively, often with the intention of gaining favor or persuading them to do something.



Example sentences


  1. Knowing she wanted a raise, he spent the entire week buttering up his boss with compliments and praise.
  2. Before asking for a favor, she made sure to butter up her sister with compliments about her cooking skills.
  3. The politician spent hours buttering up potential donors at the fundraising event.
  4. Despite his attempts to butter up the teacher with compliments, he still received a low grade on his assignment.
  5. She tried to butter up her parents by telling them how much she appreciated everything they did for her before asking to borrow the car.
  6. Hoping to secure the promotion, he spent weeks buttering up his colleagues and supervisors with flattery and compliments.
  7. He tried to butter up his girlfriend with flowers and chocolates after forgetting their anniversary.
  8. Before asking his friend for a favor, he buttered him up by complimenting his intelligence and resourcefulness.
  9. The salesman tried to butter up the customer by showering him with compliments about his taste in fashion.
  10. Despite her attempts to butter up the judge with compliments, the defendant still received a harsh sentence.