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"Falling between two stools" is an idiomatic expression that means being in a situation where one is unable to choose between two options, resulting in missing out on both or failing to satisfy either.



Here are 10 example sentences:

  1. He wanted to pursue both his passion for art and his interest in science, but ended up falling between two stools.
  2. She couldn't decide between studying abroad or staying close to her family, and ended up falling between two stools.
  3. Trying to please both his boss and his colleagues, he ended up falling between two stools and disappointing everyone.
  4. The company tried to cater to both budget-conscious customers and luxury clients, but ended up falling between two stools.
  5. He couldn't choose between two job offers and ended up falling between two stools when both positions were filled.
  6. She couldn't decide whether to invest in stocks or bonds, and ended up falling between two stools and missing out on potential gains.
  7. The government's attempt to appease both environmentalists and industrialists resulted in falling between two stools and failing to address either concern adequately.
  8. She tried to balance her social life and academic responsibilities, but ended up falling between two stools and struggling with both.
  9. The restaurant tried to offer both Italian and Chinese cuisine, but ended up falling between two stools and failing to attract customers for either.
  10. He couldn't choose between pursuing higher education and entering the workforce, and ended up falling between two stools without a clear direction for his future.