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"Turn down a glass" is not a commonly used phrase in English, and it doesn't have a widely recognized meaning. However, if someone were to use this phrase, it could potentially mean refusing a drink or declining an offer of alcohol.



Here are 10 example sentences using "turn down a glass" in this context:

  1. He always turns down a glass of wine at dinner.
  2. She decided to turn down a glass of champagne at the party.
  3. He politely turned down a glass of whiskey offered by his friend.
  4. Despite the celebrations, she chose to turn down a glass of beer.
  5. He prefers to turn down a glass of alcohol and drink water instead.
  6. She's trying to cut back on drinking, so she often turns down a glass of wine.
  7. He's not a fan of alcohol, so he usually turns down a glass of anything alcoholic.
  8. She turned down a glass of wine, explaining that she had to drive later.
  9. He turned down a glass of scotch, saying he was taking a break from drinking.
  10. She turned down a glass of beer, opting for a soft drink instead.