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[영어 관용표현] BREAK THE BANK




"Break the bank" is an idiom that means to spend or cost more money than was expected or budgeted for, especially to the point of causing financial difficulty.



Here are 10 example sentences:

  1. Buying a new car won't break the bank, but I'll need to save up for a few months.
  2. We wanted to go on vacation, but we couldn't find any affordable flights that wouldn't break the bank.
  3. I found a beautiful dress for the wedding that won't break the bank.
  4. Let's find a restaurant for dinner that won't break the bank.
  5. I need to find a birthday gift that's nice but won't break the bank.
  6. We're planning a wedding on a budget, so we're looking for ways to celebrate without breaking the bank.
  7. We decided to renovate the kitchen, but we need to be careful not to break the bank.
  8. I'd love to go to that concert, but the ticket prices might break the bank.
  9. We're hosting a party for our friends, but we're trying to keep costs low so it doesn't break the bank.
  10. The cost of childcare can break the bank for many families.