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[영어 관용표현] Foot in the Door

Foot in the Door



"Foot in the door" means to make a small initial effort or gain a small advantage that can lead to greater opportunities or success. It often refers to taking the first step towards achieving a larger goal.



Example Sentences

  1. He took an internship to get his foot in the door at the company.
    • He started with an internship to gain a small advantage in getting a job at the company.
  2. She volunteered to get her foot in the door of the nonprofit organization.
    • She volunteered to start building a connection with the nonprofit organization.
  3. Getting an interview is the first step to getting your foot in the door.
    • Getting an interview is an initial effort towards getting a job.
  4. He accepted the entry-level job to get his foot in the door in the industry.
    • He took a low-level job to start his career in the industry.
  5. She joined the committee to get her foot in the door of local politics.
    • She joined the committee to start her involvement in local politics.
  6. By taking a part-time job, he got his foot in the door at the tech company.
    • He started with a part-time job to eventually get a full-time position at the tech company.
  7. She attended the networking event to get her foot in the door with potential clients.
    • She went to the event to start building relationships with potential clients.
  8. He used his connections to get his foot in the door of the film industry.
    • He used his relationships to start his career in the film industry.
  9. She wrote articles for free to get her foot in the door as a journalist.
    • She wrote articles without payment to start her career as a journalist.
  10. Getting that small project helped him get his foot in the door with the big company.
    • Completing the small project was his initial effort to work with the big company.