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[영어 관용표현] Last Laugh

Last Laugh



"Last laugh" means to succeed or be proven right in the end, especially after others doubted or criticized you. It implies that despite any initial setbacks or ridicule, the final outcome is favorable for you.



Example Sentences

  1. Despite everyone's doubts, she had the last laugh by winning the competition.
    • She succeeded in the end, even though others doubted her.
  2. He had the last laugh when his small business became very successful.
    • He succeeded despite others thinking he would fail.
  3. They mocked his idea, but he got the last laugh when it became popular.
    • He was proven right in the end after his idea became popular.
  4. After struggling for years, she had the last laugh with her bestselling book.
    • She succeeded with her book after many years of struggle.
  5. His classmates made fun of him, but he had the last laugh as a famous actor.
    • He became successful despite being mocked by his classmates.
  6. She got the last laugh by achieving her dream job after many rejections.
    • She succeeded in getting her dream job despite many rejections.
  7. They doubted his abilities, but he had the last laugh by finishing first in the race.
    • He proved everyone wrong by winning the race.
  8. The critics were harsh, but the artist had the last laugh with his successful exhibition.
    • The artist succeeded despite the harsh criticism.
  9. He had the last laugh when his startup thrived, while others failed.
    • His startup became successful despite others failing.
  10. Everyone thought the project would fail, but she had the last laugh when it was a huge success.
    • She was proven right when the project succeeded despite initial doubts.