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[영어 관용표현] It's not rocket science!

It's not rocket science!





"It's not rocket science!" is an idiom used to convey that something is not difficult to understand or figure out. It's often used to emphasize that a task or concept is straightforward or simple.



Example sentences


  1. Cooking a basic meal is not rocket science; anyone can do it with a little practice.
  2. Figuring out how to use this new software is not rocket science; just follow the instructions.
  3. Understanding this concept is not rocket science; it just requires some attention and effort.
  4. Changing a flat tire is not rocket science; it's a skill everyone should learn.
  5. Managing your finances is not rocket science; you just need to create a budget and stick to it.
  6. Navigating through the city without a GPS is not rocket science; just use a map or ask for directions.
  7. Putting together this piece of furniture is not rocket science; the instructions are pretty clear.
  8. Solving this puzzle is not rocket science; it just requires some logical thinking.
  9. Planning a simple event like a birthday party is not rocket science; just decide on a date and invite some friends.
  10. Memorizing these facts for the exam is not rocket science; just review them regularly and you'll be fine.