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The phrase "for love nor money" is an idiomatic expression that means it is impossible to obtain something, regardless of how much effort, persuasion, or money is offered.



Example sentences


  1. We tried to find tickets to the concert for weeks, but couldn't get them for love nor money.
  2. I searched everywhere for my missing keys, but couldn't find them for love nor money.
  3. Despite our best efforts, we couldn't get the landlord to fix the leaky faucet for love nor money.
  4. She wanted to buy that rare book, but it was out of print and couldn't be found for love nor money.
  5. I tried to get a reservation at the popular restaurant, but they were fully booked for love nor money.
  6. He desperately needed a job, but in the current economic climate, he couldn't find one for love nor money.
  7. We looked for a parking spot near the stadium, but there was none to be found for love nor money.
  8. They attempted to adopt a child, but the process was so complicated that they couldn't do it for love nor money.
  9. Despite offering a generous reward, nobody could locate their lost pet for love nor money.
  10. She tried to get her hands on the latest smartphone, but it was sold out everywhere for love nor money.