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"Viper in one's bosom" is an idiom that means someone you trust or care for who later betrays you. It refers to a person who turns out to be treacherous or harmful despite being close to you.



  • Viper: A viper is a type of venomous snake. In this context, it symbolizes someone who is treacherous or deceitful. The viper represents danger and betrayal.
  • Bosom: The bosom refers to a person's chest, often symbolizing closeness, affection, or trust. It implies a place where someone is kept close and trusted, like a family member or a dear friend.




Here are 10 example sentences:

  1. He trusted his friend with his secrets, but the friend turned out to be a viper in his bosom.
  2. She helped her colleague get a promotion, only to find out he was a viper in her bosom.
  3. The king treated his advisor like family, not knowing he was harboring a viper in his bosom.
  4. He never expected his business partner to be a viper in his bosom.
  5. She thought her assistant was loyal, but he was a viper in her bosom.
  6. The team's coach felt betrayed when he discovered the star player was a viper in his bosom.
  7. He raised his nephew like a son, unaware he had a viper in his bosom.
  8. She confided in her best friend, who later proved to be a viper in her bosom.
  9. The politician trusted his campaign manager, not realizing he was a viper in his bosom.
  10. The CEO was shocked to find that his most trusted employee was a viper in his bosom.