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[영어 관용표현] A CUP OF TEA




"A cup of tea" means something that someone likes or enjoys, or something that suits someone's taste or preference. It is often used in the negative form as "not my cup of tea" to indicate something one does not like.



Here are 10 example sentences:

  1. Reading science fiction books is really my cup of tea.
  2. Camping in the wild is not my cup of tea; I prefer hotels.
  3. She loves classical music, so the concert was definitely her cup of tea.
  4. Cooking gourmet meals is his cup of tea.
  5. Playing soccer isn't really my cup of tea; I prefer basketball.
  6. Watching horror movies is not her cup of tea.
  7. He enjoys hiking, but fishing is not his cup of tea.
  8. Learning new languages is her cup of tea.
  9. Attending loud parties is not my cup of tea; I prefer quiet gatherings.
  10. Solving complex math problems is his cup of tea.