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"Fit the bill" or "fill the bill" means to be suitable or appropriate for a particular purpose or need.



Here are 10 example sentences:

  1. This candidate really fits the bill for the job.
  2. We need a large hall for the event, and this one fills the bill.
  3. His experience and skills fit the bill perfectly for the project.
  4. She wanted a quiet place to study, and this café fills the bill.
  5. The new software fits the bill for our business needs.
  6. If you're looking for a reliable car, this model fills the bill.
  7. The hotel fit the bill for our vacation requirements.
  8. Their proposal fits the bill for the new marketing strategy.
  9. A good book to read on a rainy day, this novel fills the bill.
  10. For a quick and healthy snack, these nuts fit the bill.