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[영어 관용표현] MUM'S THE WORD




"Mum's the word" means to keep something a secret or not to talk about something.



Here are 10 example sentences:

  1. I know about the surprise party, but mum's the word.
  2. He told me his secret, and I promised mum's the word.
  3. They’re planning a big announcement, so mum's the word until then.
  4. I heard some office gossip, but mum's the word.
  5. She asked me not to tell anyone about her plans, so mum's the word.
  6. He found out about the promotion early, but mum's the word until it’s official.
  7. We have a special guest for the event, but mum's the word for now.
  8. I have a surprise for you, but mum's the word until your birthday.
  9. She shared her idea with me, and I agreed to keep mum's the word.
  10. They told me the secret ingredient in the recipe, but mum's the word.