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The phrase "jump/climb/get on the bandwagon" means to join a popular trend, movement, or activity, especially when it becomes fashionable or widely supported.



Example sentences


  1. When the new diet craze took over the internet, many people jumped on the bandwagon and started following it.
  2. As soon as the company announced its sustainability initiative, other businesses were quick to climb on the bandwagon to demonstrate their commitment to the environment.
  3. With the release of the latest smartphone model, consumers eagerly jumped on the bandwagon to upgrade their devices.
  4. When the artist's work gained widespread acclaim, collectors and investors rushed to get on the bandwagon and acquire pieces for themselves.
  5. As the political movement gained momentum, more and more citizens decided to jump on the bandwagon and support the cause.
  6. When the streaming service announced its new series, viewers couldn't wait to climb on the bandwagon and binge-watch the entire season.
  7. After witnessing the success of his friend's startup, John decided to jump on the bandwagon and launch his own entrepreneurial venture.
  8. With the rise of remote work opportunities, many professionals are now getting on the bandwagon and exploring freelance or digital nomad lifestyles.
  9. As the cryptocurrency market continued to grow, investors scrambled to climb on the bandwagon and purchase digital assets.
  10. When the fashion trend of oversized sunglasses became popular, celebrities and influencers were quick to jump on the bandwagon and showcase the look on social media.