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[영어 관용표현] Laughter is the best medicine

Laughter is the best medicine



"Laughter is the best medicine" means that laughing and having a good sense of humor can make you feel better and improve your health.



Here are 10 example sentences:

  1. Whenever I'm sad, I watch a funny movie because laughter is the best medicine.
  2. He always tells jokes at work because he believes laughter is the best medicine.
  3. After a stressful day, meeting friends and laughing together proves that laughter is the best medicine.
  4. When my grandmother feels down, we tell her funny stories because laughter is the best medicine.
  5. Even in tough times, they find something to laugh about, knowing that laughter is the best medicine.
  6. She likes to read funny books before bed because she thinks laughter is the best medicine.
  7. During their hospital visit, the clowns made everyone laugh, showing that laughter is the best medicine.
  8. He always has a smile and a joke ready because he knows laughter is the best medicine.
  9. They started a comedy club in their community, believing that laughter is the best medicine.
  10. After hearing the bad news, they tried to cheer each other up because laughter is the best medicine.