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[영어 관용표현] BLIND AS A BAT




"Blind as a bat" is an idiom that means someone cannot see well or is having difficulty seeing, even though bats are not actually blind. It can also be used humorously to describe someone who is very unobservant or unaware of their surroundings.



Here are 10 example sentences:

  1. Without her glasses, she's blind as a bat.
  2. He couldn't find his keys because he's blind as a bat in the dark.
  3. I'm blind as a bat without my contact lenses.
  4. She didn't notice the sign and walked right into the door, proving she's blind as a bat.
  5. My grandfather is blind as a bat and needs help reading the small print.
  6. He missed the turn because he's blind as a bat when driving at night.
  7. Even with a map, he got lost because he's blind as a bat with directions.
  8. She couldn't see the ball coming towards her because she's blind as a bat.
  9. He's blind as a bat and always bumps into furniture in the dark.
  10. Without her flashlight, she was blind as a bat in the basement.